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* Reproductive Rights for Women.

Eve believes women can make their own medical decisions. The government should not be making them for women  Eve supports abortion rights.


* Economic Opportunity and Justice.

Eve believes in jobs and fair wages. She advocates for South Carolina to adopt a state minimum wage law that can raise employee hourly rates in the state. This will help to uplift citizens economic footing in South Carolina. South Carolina is one of only a few states that does not have a state minimum wage law on the books. This needs to change. 


* Hate Crimes Law.

South Carolina needs to adopt a state hate crime law now.  It is only one of two states that does not have one. 


* Medicaid Expansion. 

South Carolina needs to adopt Medicaid expansion to enable more citizens to obtain and receive health care in South Carolina.


* Education

Eve believes the state needs to move from having an interest in public education to having a commitment to public education. This involves more teacher respect, better salaries, smaller class sizes, and  less state testing. Let teachers teach.


* Electing Women to the State House.

Right now Women are less than 15 percent of elected legislators in South Carolina's State House. This is one of the worst records in the country. Eve believes it is a high priority to change.this. Electing more Women to the State House is increasing democracy in our state. This needs to be done.

* Small Businesses

Eve supports businesses, especially our small businesses. She will do all she can to help out small businesses be sustainable and grow in our communities.


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